
Principal and Director Terry Greenwell’s experience covers many building sectors. He has made a significant contribution to the regeneration of the Northern Region and been responsible for many award-winning schemes in the fields of conservation and new-build.

Masterplanning, urban design and sustainability play an increasing part in his activities, and recent projects include the Durham Radisson hotel, Cambois Beach masterplan, an eco-town submission under the government’s recent initiative and research in to the delivery of zero-carbon high density housing. His design approach is characterised by responsiveness and versatility, evident in a range of work from prestige interior design to ODPM design code facilitator for the Walker Riverside project.


The practice is comfortable in responding to a variety of client tastes. Recently completed projects illustrating this diversity of approach include Waterside and Maddison House, buildings which are consistent in quality, but totally divergent in architectural style.


Greenwell Design Ltd

VAT Reg No. 986599235

Construction Line No. 313119

Company Registration No. 6961444




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